International Growers

This (not exhaustive) list shows a sample of the gardens and projects with which Localgrowplanet and SeasonsPace are in contact or others where we have no personal contact as yet, but are also innovative in some way. Depending on where you reading this from, Ireland may be “international” for you, so some Irish resources are included here too.

Gardens that welcome schools


Community gardens and associations


Local food networks including Community Supported Agriculture Schemes

    • La Ruche qui dit Oui network of local producers supplying local residents (France), and the same organisation in English: The Food Assembly 
    • Community Supported Agriculture in France (AMAP and ASC), overview by URGENCI (FR)

    • URGENCI (Urban-Rural network Generating new forms of exchange between Citizens Internationally: grassroots network of regional and local solidarity-based partnerships for agroecology (LSPAs),including CSA initiatives  (INTERNATIONAL)



Novel gardens (Vertical, Rooftop, Anything goes)


Biodiversity, Bees and Beekeeping


Local flower farming


Grow it yourself Information hubs